You probably have an innovative business idea in mind and are certainly ready to turn your business idea into reality. You'll want to gather information as part of the planning process, conduct an analysis and make sure your business concept is feasible. There is a short list of people you can talk to before moving forward with big steps like filing for a business loan or finding a commercial property.

The first people to contact

The advisor is someone who has done what you are about to do. He or she will have a range of experience, intelligence and knowledge that you don't have, and will be able to support you with advice, tools and new ideas on a variety of issues. But also be sure to talk to a trusted friend or family member before you start a business appointment for additional advice. Accountants are one of the first people you can turn to for small business guidance. They can suggest ways to finance your business and prepare financial proposals. Accountants can help you if you need advice on developing a business budget.

Communities that can help

Meeting with business owners who already have credibility in your area is one of the easiest ways to build a reputation. This has two major benefits. First, you'll get the secondary credibility benefit of being associated with that professional influencer who might share your content and give it a massive boost, or send you new followers on social media. Secondly, this person will offer you services, opportunities and connections to meet your needs. Peers are also nice to meet on your startup date, but they may have less experience than mentors.

Investors or experienced people

Even if you have a frugal business model, your business will still need working capital to get started. If you don't have money to manage on your own, you'll need a business startup appointment with an investor to build momentum or help you solve difficult problems. If you've decided to hire employees but don't know where to start, consider turning to recruiters. Talk to a hiring manager who has experience with your company's needs within the industry.